Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Rolling Start?!

So what's with the rolling start at the Fontana AMA Daytona Sportbike races this past weekend? That's just bizarre .... a two by two, rolling start right out of the NASCAR playbook. I'm sure there's a good reason for it in stock car racing, but it has no reason-for-being in a motorcycle race. Obviously dreamed up by a car guy who doesn't watch bike racing. Unlike a car race, the standing start of a bike race is one of the most exciting moments of the race. Why on earth would you replace it with a boring rolling start? Bizarre. Oh and don't get me going on the 1125cc Buells racing against the 600 sportbikes. That's just blatant Americanism trying its best to get an American product on the podium. A big twin has no place in a mid-size race. Haga rides an 1100cc twin at the front of the WSB pack, so it has nothing to do with the number of cylinders anymore. Actually it's insulting ... for Buell that is ... the only way they can win a race is to run against the little bikes. The commentators were saying things like "look at the power the Buell has down the straight". Well .... duh!

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